Grants Awarded

Funding year 2011-12 (Year One)

Grants were awarded to the following projects:

  1. St John’s Church – £500, towards their Summer Fair: to encourage integration between community groups.
  2. Shoreditch Trust – £1,000 towards the Hoxton Street Party (14th July 2012): to improve the physical environment to encourage social interaction and integration; to increase support for isolated elderly through services, groups and projects & to encourage young people to articulate aspirations and to develop local projects.
  3. Hoxton Trust -£1,350 towards Meet Your Neighbour project to increase support for isolated elderly through services, groups and projects; to encourage integration between cultural groups, in particular the Turkish, Kurdish & Cypriot community; & to improving the physical environment to encourage social interaction and integration.
  4. StreetLevel – £1,000 towards their project to take young people on trips where they can aspire to better themselves through development of their skills and interest within sports, arts, science; to encourage young people to articulate aspirations and develop local projects.
  5. St John’s Estate TRA – £1,500 towards their Community Kitchen Garden Promotion Project; to encourage integration between cultural groups, in particular the Turkish, Kurdish & Cypriot community & to improve the physical environment to encourage social interaction and integration.

Funding year 2012-13 (Year Two)

Grants were awarded to the following projects:

1. St John’s Church – £500, towards the cost of repairing and relamping the external light fittings in the St John’s Church Gardens. Volunteers were also trained in maintenance and relamping techniques. This has improved the physical environment of Hoxton.

Funding year 2013-14 (Year Three)

Grants were awarded to the following projects:

1. Contextual Theology Centre – £1,000, towards the cost of funding an intern to research the effect of financial institutions on the lives of Hoxton residents.

2. St John’s Church – £1,000, toward the cost of putting on a free summer fair for local residents.



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